Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning
@ Dr. Shailaja Prasad's Dental Clinic near Brigade Road, Bangalore

Our goal is to find the “Why?”

Examination, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning

Patients who present with repeated dislodgment of their fillings, chipped teeth or chipped crowns or a popping or clicking sound in their jaw joints, or worn down teeth or even pain in the muscles of the jaw require a comprehensive study of their bite also known as an occlusal analysis. These problems are easily treated if we know what is causing the problem in the first place.

For this we use the following armamentarium:

Semi-adjustable articulator to represent your bite accurately
A digital camera with a macro lens to capture still photographs of your teeth
A predictable workflow is followed in order to arrive at a conclusion and this method helps the patient understand the cause of the problem very easily.